Bangor CampBangor ACE Camp is an overnight senior camp for students ages 13-17 who have a strong interest in pursuing an aviation career. This camp has a rigorous schedule filled with educational classes, hands-on projects, team building and leadership training, flying, and of course - FUN! Have you ever gazed upward and watched as a mammoth jet was about to fly over you at low level, and your curiosity about how something THAT BIG can fly? ACE Camp can help you understand how that happens. As part of the ACE Camp schedule you will learn about basic aerodynamics and what makes aircraft fly. Then, later in the week, security permitting, you will board an Air National Guard Maineiacs KC-135 Stratotanker refueling aircraft and actually observe a high altitude refueling mission! (possibly an F18, F16, KC10, or a C5!) During ACE Camp week you will takeoff and land more times in one week than you have ever dreamed of! The first day of camp the entire group will travel to a local airport and hop into the right seat of a C172, or maybe even a BE58 twin engine Baron! SAFETY is #1 in aviation, and during our camp we stress safety every day - on the ground and in the air. Aviation is such a wide and diverse career field that it is impossible to cover everything in one week, however we fill each day with a varied schedule so the 'fun factor" needle is pinned!
Ever wanted to fly in a helicopter? ACE Camp students are fortunate to have access to some cool military choppers, and get ready to strap in and lift off in a UH60 Blackhawk from the Maine Army Guard. This flight will blow you away as they fly from Bangor to their practice area and return, at altitudes below 1000 feet! SEAPLANES! Yes, ACE Camp has expanded their program to include a FULL DAY of floatplane flying that includes some expert hangar discussions on safety, maintenance of floats, cables, special operating tactics and aircraft capabilities. Then, get ready for some awesome flights in C172, C180, C185, and possibly even a ride on the only twin engine Apache certified by the FAA! Volunteer pilots from the Western Maine Flyers/ EAA 1520, Maine Aeronautical Association, KT Aviation, Naples Seaplane Service, and many others want to share their time, aircraft and knowledge with you and help guide you to a seaplane rating someday! This day is topped off with a great BBQ where students and pilots mingle and get to know each other, share stories of how they started flying, and quite possibly make some lifelong friendships and maybe even start networking for future job opportunities! Since 9/11, as you are aware, security has been very tight in aviation. However, ACE Camp students are very fortunate to be an excepted group able to fly in military aircraft, and we are also authorized to visit FAA air traffic control facilities at Bangor airport. ACE students and staff are escorted through both the Control Tower and Radar facilities, as well as Maintenance sections, and provided an informative and interesting briefing on how aircraft arrive and depart the Bangor airport. Schedule activities also include tours of local small airports, Bangor International Airport, aviation museums, aircraft repair businesses, aerial photography operations, NASA Challenger Learning Center, and Air and Army National Guard bases! Students also will create, build and launch their own model rockets! ACE campers will learn teamwork and leadership skills through group sessions and role playing scenarios, meet and speak directly with expert commercial aviation pilots, military KC-135 and UH60/OH58 pilots and crew members, FAA air traffic controllers and maintenance technicians, and possible celebrity pilots! Make GOOD Choices! ACE Camp students will receive critical drug and alcohol abuse information and the negative effects any offense can have on future employment opportunities and any FAA medical exams. Drugs/alcohol and aviation don't mix. Recreation is a must! Students will have ample time after dinner each night to exercise, swim, try the Scouts obstacle and rope training course, or have scrimmages against each other in volleyball, soccer, or softball. They also can just hang out if they choose.
Bangor ACE Camp Check-In Information Dates: Sunday, July 23, 2016 to Saturday, July 29, 2017 Time: 11:00AM Location: Camp Roosevelt Main Lodge Rte. 46 Eddington, Me. Directions: Take Blackcap road, then Turn Left on Camp Roosevelt road. Follow ACE Camp signs. Camp Cost: $850 Closing Ceremony Date: Saturday, July 30, 2016
What do I bring to the Bangor Maine ACE Camp and what should I wear? All CAMPERS must wear Long Pants and Closed Toe Shoes on the KC-135 flights. Maine ACE Camp Inc will provide one camp shirt that will be worn each day and washed each day. Casual dress such as shorts and khakis are permitted. No cutoffs or baggy pants. You may want to bring a sweatshirt and a rain jacket. ALL CAMPERS MUST BRING THEIR OWN SLEEPING BAG, PILLOW, AND A FITTED SHEET FOR A SINGLE MATTRESS. Normal overnight toiletries: soap, shampoo, a couple of towels, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Cameras are permitted. (Don’t forget to bring extra batteries) Flashlight Earplugs: If you have your own you may want to bring them. (If you don’t have If you are taking any medications, or are allergic to any foods, please advise the staff upon arrival. Bug spray!! Cell phones: Students may bring them to camp. However, they may NOT use them during the day’s activities. After dinner and when students are on recreation time, they may be permitted to use them. The camp Director will review this policy on opening day.
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